As a private, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit school, Lake Country Montessori does not receive money from local, state, or federal governments.
Simply put, we could not operate our school without financial support.
Join The Generations Of Parents, Grandparents, Alumni & Friends Who Contribute To Making Each Child’s
LCM Journey Truly Exceptional.
We could not accomplish what we do every day for the children of LCM without your support.
We all want the best for our child’s education and future. As parents consider schools and programs for their children, they most likely visit countless websites, speak to friends and neighbors for recommendations and take many on-site tours. This process brings a lot of joy and raises concerns as well.
When children and families enter the doors of Lake Country Montessori School, they walked into a deep commitment to delivering quality Montessori education. They also become a part of a very special community. For over 9 years, our entire community – parents, students, faculty, staff, alumni, grandparents, and friends – have been an integral part of our successful efforts to provide exceptional Montessori programming.
From the moment an exuberant toddler enters our front doors to the day they confidently exit as a LCM graduate the journey provided is one we look forward to providing to many more children in the years to come.
Our goal has always been to provide a safe space for children to learn in their own way while collaborating as a group. To provide parents with the joy of finding a school that adopts the same philosophy that is derived through psychological research and guidelines. To offer an environment where children are not a number, however they are students with encouraged individuality.
Your generosity will benefit all LCM children now and in the future, just as the generosity of families in years past benefitted our graduates.

Many individuals choose to give their gift by cash or check. Please make checks payable to Lake Country Montessori and send to:
Lake Country Montessori
W329 N4476 Lakeland Drive
Suite 170
Nashotah, WI 53058
Many corporations will match their employees’ and retirees’ gifts to educational institutions—doubling or tripling your gift to LCM!
We encourage all of our constituents whose companies provide matching gifts programs to participate in them.
It is truly a golden opportunity for all parties to make a difference.

Donors may offer gifts in memory or in honor of a family member or friend.
These tax-deductible gifts may also acknowledge special relationships or may recognize a special event.
Gifts made as part of your overall financial plan – which often benefit you now and LCM later – are known as ‘planned gifts.’
Planned giving allows you to provide future support for the LCM – and often make a larger gift than you might have thought possible.
When you include LCM in your estate planning, as a beneficiary in your will, you make a contribution that has a long-lasting effect on the school.
You may also receive financial benefits, including lifelong income and significant tax reduction.

There is a wide range of effective tools available to advance your charitable goals and help you enjoy enhanced financial benefits.
We encourage you to work closely with your legal and tax advisors when completing any of these plans.
* Securities – Gifts of stock and appreciated securities may be sent electronically, by mail, or by establishing an account LCM at your existing brokerage firm.
* A gift of securities, stocks, or bonds entitles the donor to an income tax deduction; a gift of appreciated securities may also reduce capital gain tax liability.
* Gifts of securities should also be considered for establishing a planned deferred gift to the school.
No matter what the size of the donation, we appreciate your support of our school. Your donation sends a message that you support high quality, child centered education and sustain the LCM legacy for those who will join us in the future.
Lake Country Montessori